Our partners Lyudmila Petrova (Creare Social) and Marilena Vecco (BSB) will present part of their research within the GLAMMONS project framework on “What is cultural in the cultural commons?” during the 17th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management-AIMAC. Based on systemic literature review, their study explores both cultural and social dimensions of cultural goods that function as commons.

More specifically, it aims to analyse the relationships between cultural goods and commons, focusing on the cultural and social values that these goods yield in commons related context. Hosted in Lisbon by ISCTE – Lisbon University Institute and AUDAX Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of ISCTE, from June 23 to June 26, 2024, the conference is considered one of the most relevant on arts and cultural management.

Discover the program and read more about the event on the website