A new interactive platform has been launched on our website. 

The blog was created to communicate information and establish a two-way communication channel. This dedicated section is employed for pursuing continuous engagement with updated materials and research. We invite interested parties (managers, practitioners, team leaders, etc.) to contribute content regarding their experiences of current challenges that GLAMs and CCIs face (due to the pandemic or more generally) and successful ways to tackle them and adjust. In GLAMMONS, the Members of the Consortium will commit resources to ensure active maintenance of the platform (also beyond the end of the project), and that it will continue to serve as a valuable source for related research. To start, we propose an article entitled “Transforming Insights: Adapting GLAMs to a Commons Framework” introducing a fresh perspective on Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAMs), framing them as potential commons, shared spaces produced and managed by their communities.

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