
Podcast : The Fortress of Spinalonga- 07/06/2024

During this podcast, our partner Stelios Lekakis (Mazomos) presents a case study on The Fortress of Spinalonga in Greece.

In discussion with Agiati Benardou from the Greek cultural Magazine, Lifo, he describes the establishment of the leper colony on the island, the living conditions, and the isolation of individuals affected by leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, in the early 20th century.

They also delve into the discovery of an effective treatment and the subsequent closure of the colony.

Despite its dark history, Spinalonga has evolved into one of Greece’s most popular tourist destinations.

Click here to listen (Discussion in Greek). 


credit photo: Stelios Lekakis.


Participation in AIMAC, Lisbon – 23-26/06/2024

Our partners Lyudmila Petrova (Creare Social) and Marilena Vecco (BSB) will present part of their research within the GLAMMONS project framework on “What is cultural in the cultural commons?” during the 17th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management-AIMAC. Based on systemic literature review, their study explores both cultural and social dimensions of cultural goods that function as commons.

More specifically, it aims to analyse the relationships between cultural goods and commons, focusing on the cultural and social values that these goods yield in commons related context. Hosted in Lisbon by ISCTE – Lisbon University Institute and AUDAX Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of ISCTE, from June 23 to June 26, 2024, the conference is considered one of the most relevant on arts and cultural management.

Discover the program and read more about the event on the website


International Conference for Alternative Finance – 07/06/2024

International Conference for Alternative Finance Research. 

Yesterday, our colleagues Janet Merkel and Lech Suwala (TUB) participated in the 3rd International Conference for Alternative Finance Research, a dedicated forum for alternative finance researchers and practitioners from all around the globe.

The event took place in Krems, Austria, on the 5th and 6th of June 2024.

The conference serves as a cross-disciplinary meeting place for scholars of information systems, economics, finance, entrepreneurship, and marketing under one roof to exchange ideas and help develop the field both theoretically and practically, while engaging in close dialog with industry stakeholders and policy makers.

They presented their research in Glammons during a session entitled: “Funding galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs) – On complementary finances in the GLAM sector.”

For more information visit the website


Discussion at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library – 26/04/2024

Our partner from Inpolis Urbanism GmbH, Ares Kalandides, will be next week at the New York Public Library to talk about the new understanding of libraries as commons, one of the main topics of GLAMMONS project.

As foundational pillars for democratic societies, libraries foster cultural preservation, enable community participation, and, therefore, promote civic engagement.

Their architectural design, as well as the advent of technology and the transformation of their traditional role, are topics to be included in the discussion, too.

This event launches Ares Kalandides’ four-part podcast series, “Beyond Books: The Many Lives of Libraries”, which will be available on May 1 on the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Dialogues platform. Listen to the four-part podcast series HERE.


Glossary : Value-Based Approach- 15/04/2024

The value-based approach (VBA) is the outcome of about 25 years of research of cultural economists who worked or are still working at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam.

It is inspired and supported by the work of professor Arjo Klamer.

The value-based approach provides an alternative perspective on the economy by stressing qualities, as in the quality of work, the quality of the environment, the quality of society and the quality of a performance.

It connects to other similar approaches developed by economists and social scientists working in the healthcare sector and in the business sector (with attention to “purpose”, social enterprises, social corporate responsibility and so on).

Among its outcomes are the conceptualisation of the process of values realisation, the conceptualisation of the commons as shared practices, a new method of evaluation, directed at qualities and interest in other measurements of welfare.

The value-based approach frames the process of realisation of values in three main stages:

1. Articulation of (shared) values to realise among and between different stakeholders (individuals, organisations, communities) aiming to bring awareness of what drives them;

2. Realisation of values through different strategies and by different stakeholders aiming at reaching mutual adjustments of purposes among various stakeholders and effective undertaking of concrete actions;

3. Evaluation whether the applied strategies support the realisation of the (shared) values aiming at a deeper understanding of the connections between drivers of action and effective outcomes (impact).

VBA adopts participatory framework and its methods allows a process of co-creation between the participants and the researchers. Together we are discussing, probing, and articulating the values (or qualities) that the stakeholders would like to pursue throughout the development and implementation of activities. As such the value – based approach assists individuals, organisations and communities to work and produce together:

1. Map of shared cultural and social values;

2. Map of stakeholders and common practices to realise the shared values;

3. Assessment of cultural and social changes in concrete practices.


“II International Heritage and Conflict Congress” – 10/04/2024

Our partner Mazomos, will present GLAMMONS at the “II International Heritage and Conflict Congress: Debate on the management and treatment of a polyhedral object,” hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the University of Granada (April 10-12, 2024).

Katerina Chatzikonstantinou, Researcher at the Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, and Stelios Lekakis, Principal Research Associate at the School of History, Classics, and Archaeology, University of Newcastle, will introduce two case studies during a conference titled “Islands of Exile in Greece: Difficult Heritage Sites.”

Throughout the three-day event, numerous specialists from around the world will engage in debates on heritage inherited from dictatorships or that provoke discussions about its past.

The conference aims to foster reflection and dialogue based on comparative studies of specific cases from various countries across continents.

The goal is to enrich and juxtapose analyses to determine appropriate actions regarding this legacy, whether through conservation, modification, destruction, new uses, or resignification.

Read more here.


Press Release – April 2024- 08/04/2024

PRESS RELEASE – April 2024:

The GLAMMONS project (2022-2025), funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation on Cultural Heritage and CCIs, aims to look at the ways that commoning practices work in GLAMs.

GLAMMONS ensures that all research outputs, methodologies, and techniques used during the project are made publicly accessible upon an open-access regime on the project’s website.

We are pleased to announce the release of the first working papers and invite you to explore these recent publications based on European case studies and the results of the survey conducted in April 2023:

-Learn more about the Financial Channels of Glams by reading Janet Merkel’s (Technische Universität Berlin) working paper, which discusses cultural policy changes post-pandemic, funding changes in GLAMs, and shifts in their financial structure.

Click here to read.

-Explore organisational and management practices in commons within the context of GLAMs through Bastian Lange and Ares Kalandides’ (Inpolis Urbanism GmbH) working paper.

Click here to read.

-Gain insights into how digital work and tools have been integrated into the operations of memory institutions and explore digital policy and digital management trends in European GLAMs with Stelios Lekakis (MAZOMOS Landscape and Heritage Consultants) and Mina Dragouni’s (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences) paper titled “Pandemic-driven shifts of GLAMs finances and participatory practices: Digital policy and management trends in Europe”.

Click here to read.

-Read about the contribution of GLAMs to local and regional economies, as well as issues related to volunteering labour in GLAMs, in the research proposed by Vasilis Avdikos, Eleni Kostopoulou, Martha Michailidou, Dimitris Pettas, Mina Dragouni (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences).   

Click here to read.

-Examine five inspiring practices of GLAMs operating as commons that highlight community engagement, volunteerism, and the preservation of cultural and historical resources in the working paper proposed by Ares Kalandides and Bastian Lange (Inpolis Urbanism GmbH).

Click here to read.

-Discover a novel conceptual framework for studying GLAMs as commons proposed by Vasilis Avdikos, Martha Michailidou, Mina Dragouni, and Dimitris Pettas (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences), tailored to the unique characteristic of the sector. They explore how commoning practices can be developed to ensure the sustainability and resilience of GLAMs while meeting broader societal needs.

Click here to read.

-Gain insight into the current landscape, emerging needs, and future challenges of the European GLAM sector to inform future policy.  Stelios Lekakis (MAZOMOS Landscape and Heritage Consultants) and Mina Dragouni (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences) map available copyright and open access options for cultural organisations, evaluate distribution policies, and reveal data sharing trends in the post-pandemic era. 

Click here to read. 

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Copyright and open access for GLAMs in the… – 04/04/2024

a working paper by Stelios Lekakis (Mazomos) and Mina Dragouni (Panteion):

Well before the COVID-19 pandemic, a plethora of memory institutions across Europe had been devoted to opening their collections and resources to audiences by harnessing digital platforms and tools, digitising their artefacts, books, archives, and other objects of cultural, scientific, and historical significance. From early 2020 onwards, the outburst of the pandemic crisis stressed further the necessity to make cultural heritage open and digitally accessible. In this document, we map available copyright and open access options for cultural organisations, assess distribution policies and reveal data-sharing trends in the post-pandemic era. Our overarching aim is to provide some insight into the current landscape, imminent needs, and future challenges of the European GLAM sector to inform future policy.

Our review begins by defining cultural data ‘openness’, exposing the ambiguity and at times, misuse of the term across GLAMs. Easy and free access, metadata processing, permissible uses, and purposes are identified as key criteria of open data policy. In turn, available legal instruments for releasing data are presented and explained, including the Public Domain Mark and the available options and rules of Creative Commons licenses.

Next, our analysis draws on the OpenGLAM survey (running since 2018 by McCarthy & Wallace) to map the sectoral landscape of sharing digital resources online. As it is observed, the level of digitisation and adoption of open access practices varies greatly among GLAMs located in Europe. Most organisations appear to have published ‘some eligible data’ as open data while they still apply non-open access policies for other resources and collections. This seems to indicate some hesitation towards an all-embracing open data policy at organisation level or broader barriers within and outside the sector. Regarding the release of digitised creative work that belongs to the Public Domain, most cultural organisations use the Public Domain Mark (34%), followed by the Creative Commons CC BY (25%) and CC BY-SA (21%) licences or national equivalents. Overall, we observe that more than half (52%) of GLAMs participating in the survey are Public Domain compliant; particularly libraries, whereas museums and archives appear comparatively more reluctant to waive all rights to their digitised assets. At the same time, it appears that only a relatively small percentage of collections and records held at European GLAMs have so far become available online as open-access digital resources. Quite critically, Europeana has a pre-eminent position as the primary distribution channel that European GLAMs employ to distribute their open-access materials.

This motivates us to explore further Europeana’s statistics for participation, volume of materials, and rights regimes. At the time of writing this document, Europeana recorded almost 57 million contributions by GLAMs, including images, 3D, texts, sound, and video records. These have been provided by a total of 3,532 institutions, including all core GLAM categories and several peripheral organisations, such as universities. The ‘champions’ in terms of data volumes were the Netherlands (about 16% of all Europeana materials) and Germany (a. 11% of all materials), followed by the UK, Spain, Sweden, and France. Regarding copyright and open access, we observe that a considerable amount of Europeana’s digital materials (a. 21%) have been released under a Public Domain Mark, whereas another 13% is also free of copyrights under a CC0 licence. However, almost half of GLAMs digital resources distributed through the Europeana platform are still not openly accessible.

Overall, although a culture of sharing free and unrestricted digital data as a ‘commons’ fits well with the broader societal mission of GLAMs and important steps have been made in terms of providing an open-access culture in the sector, more efforts (and resources/infrastructure) are required so that openness can become the standard good sectoral practice. Openness has not yet crystallised as the standard for sectoral practice across European GLAMs. There is still great variance across the sector regarding digital copyright and open access policy, not only amongst different sub-sectors (e.g. libraries as compared to museums and archives) but also within the same sector. It appears that greater consensus is needed to ensure no new rights are claimed in the digital versions of Public Domain works whereas digital resources are shared responsibly, both within, but also separate from, established institutions, allowing for a greater socially-embedded engagement with GLAMs work, digitised records, and objects.

Download PDF


A Series of Workshops organised by CREARE – 01/04/2024

This year our partner CREARE starts with a series of workshops on value-based approach to emerging commoning practices in the cross-section between arts, science, and policymaking.

As part of GLAMMONS, they are exploring how the Joint Research Center SciArt residency changes the perspectives on social and nature pressing issues through bottom-up creative collaborations, including co-production and co-curation.

The overarching aim of the collaboration between CREARE and the JRC SciArt residency is to provide input to the understanding and assessment of common practices that emerge around community-led cultural settings. and understand:

1) What drives different groups to collaborate and co-create?

2) How does the collaboration change the practices of the different stakeholders?

3) How do science, arts, and policy converge to act towards common solutions?

CREARE believes with this research they can contribute to deep and empirical-based knowledge about the transformations that creativity and community-led practices generate through bottom-up collaboration and decision-making processes. Since 2016, the JRC SciArt project has been encouraging scientific and social innovation by facilitating the co-production between scientists, artists, curators, policymakers, and citizens that shape solutions to urgent societal questions. In this context, Lyudmila Petrova and Arjo Klamer (CREARE) met with the management team and the curatorial committee of the JRC SciArt in Brussels at IMAL Museum, a venue for creative initiatives centered on the innovative and critical application of emerging technology.  

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Conceptualising GLAMs as commons – 27/03/2024

a working paper by Vasilis Avdikos, Mina Dragouni, Martha Michailidou, Dimitris Pettas (Panteion University):

Over the last decades, GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) have faced several challenges, including the limitation of public funding due to the global economic crisis of 2008, the need to keep up with digitalization trends in order to make collections accessible to larger audiences, the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic which impacted income sources such as visitor revenues, licensing, donations, endowments and sponsorships. All these challenges require GLAMs to be proactive in adopting innovative strategies, collaborating with other institutions, leveraging partnerships, and seeking sustainable funding models to address their unique and evolving needs. In this paper, we explore the potentiality of GLAMs to operate as commons, towards ensuring their vibrancy, sustainability, and resilience, while meeting broader societal needs. The commons constitute a mode of resource management (in our case cultural ones) through which a specific community (instead of a state body or actors of the market) is responsible for the exploitation and management (or, in several cases also the production) of a resource under inclusive and democratic principles. In this way, the commons constitute of i) a (set of) commons pool resource(s), including a diverse range of material and intangible resources, ii) a group/ community that appropriate, use, manage and take care of the resources, iii) a governance/ management framework established through mixes of official and informal sets of rules, decision-making processes, governance arrangements.

Towards exploring the potentials of GLAMs to operate as commons, we review the extant literature of the commons in order to elaborate on the ontology of GLAMs and heritage commons and develop a conceptual framework of ‘commons-oriented’ GLAMs to navigate future research for workable solutions to the sector. Our review features the ‘Ostromian’ understandings of the commons, insights from the autonomist school of thought and other theoretical and practical articulations of the ‘new commons’. By exploring different types of commons-based ventures, such as urban commons, digital commons and cultural/heritage commons, we distinguish those elements that are mostly relevant to bring on board. Based on these we develop and present here, for the first time, a novel conceptual framework for studying GLAMs as commons, adapted to fit with the idiosyncrasies of the sector. Moreover, we explore the ways relevant commoning practices could be developed towards ensuring GLAMs’ sustainability and resilience, while meeting broader societal needs. According to Linebaugh (2008), the social process, the praxis of commoning, refers to the collective management of resources. Furthermore, the creation and reproduction of the commons is materialised through commoning practices of co-production, co-appropriation, and co-management, developed upon horizontal and democratic principles and processes (Card, 2018).

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