news Ressources

Pandemic-Driven Shifts of GLAMs Finances and … – 15/03/2024

a working paper by Stelios Lekakis (Mazomos) and Mina Dragouni (Panteion):

As digital technologies and online tools have become omnipresent in our everyday life, it is not surprising that they have found their way into cultural organisations missioned to preserve our cultural heritage, such as Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAMs). This document explores digital policy and digital management trends in European GLAMs with the view to (a) increase our understanding of how digital work and tools have been embedded in the work of memory institutions and (b) to identify any pandemic-driven shifts that can inform future challenges and opportunities for the sector, particularly in relation to participatory practices and financial resilience.

GLAMs’ ‘digital practice’ includes those aspects of work within GLAMs that are performed through digital tools or realised on digital platforms (Sanderhoff, 2014). They include the development of collection databases and digitisation of content, digitally enhanced interpretation and curation of exhibitions and materials, as well as GLAMs’ digital presence (websites, social media) and digital offer in the form of online events, podcasts, virtual courses, and other outreach activities. Over the past two decades, memory institutions across Europe have set out to digitise and share their imagery of museum artefacts, works of art, and audiovisual archives through online digital infrastructures (e.g. OpenGLAMs, Europeana) or non-for-profit public-private partnerships (e.g. Google Arts), providing increased access to heritage and engaging the public in novel ways through special software and tools facilitating on-site and online visitors experiences (e.g. virtual tours, 3D representations, interactive games). However, as digital work is costly and labour intensive, national large-scale institutions were better positioned to harness their digitalisation potential as compared to peripheral, medium, or small-size cultural organisations. Prior to the pandemic, less prominent GLAMs were less agile to make sharp transitions to the digital realm due to limited resources and knowledge; a trend that seems to persist after the pandemic. They were driven to engage in digital work mostly to increase their visibility (NEMO, 2020a), often creating digital content as an online version of a physical exhibition (King et al., 2021).

Prior to the pandemic, the digital transition of GLAMs was largely dependent on their organisational size and, by extension, on their digital capacity and resources at hand. Thus, pre-pandemic digital investment became a critical factor for digital preparedness in the sector during the pandemic, by drawing on existing digital material. The forced closure of memory institutions brought to the fore existing issues in the sector, such as ‘lack of digital tools, gaps in skills and human capital, poor audience diversity, and weaknesses in coping with the digital transformation, and called attention to data collection and management’ (Dimitrova & Chatzidamianos, 2022: 37). Interestingly, there is limited data to support that GLAMs’ augmented online presence during the pandemic was accompanied by related increases of digital budget or labour force at organisation level. Rather, some preliminary evidence suggests that after GLAMs’ re-opening, pandemic-driven shifts did not maintain their digital ‘momentum’, apart from a sustained increased activity in social media. On the positive side, some early findings show that the pandemic did indeed accelerate digitisation and sharing of cultural data on aggregators, such as Europeana, where volumes of digital records substantially increased for several European countries during and after the pandemic crisis.

Regarding the post-pandemic digital landscape for the GLAM sector, a recent survey by Mowat et al. (2022) reports that only 20% of European GLAMs have distinct online/virtual audiences whereas only 2 out of 10 have devised a comprehensive strategy for digitising and cataloguing their collections, licensing and copyright, or general operations and management of their digital efforts. The lack of a solid digital strategy and vision coupled with understaffing and underfunding for several memory institutions expose some structural problems and challenges to realising the sector’s digitalisation potential. Furthermore, collections’ digitisation remains disconnected from an overarching participatory strategy across many GLAMs operating in the sector (Tartari et al., 2022). As argued, in the post-pandemic era, further institutional support, resources, and knowledge is still required so that best practices for engaging with digital audiences can become standardised in the sector and across smaller organisations that hold digital collections. In this way, ‘going digital’ would not be confined to a process that replicates the typical museum-audience relationship but will be seized as an opportunity for working towards a radically different relationship with user communities.

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news Ressources

Taxonomies of Participatory Practices in GLAMs – 13/03/2024

a working paper by Bastian Lange and Ares Kalandides (Inpolis):

This paper delves into the impact of external shocks, such as the pandemic and digitization, on organizational and management practices within commonly run cultural institutions, particularly in the GLAM sector. It seeks to understand how these institutions adapt and maintain legitimacy, self-efficacy, and volunteer commitment among their commoners in response to these challenges.

The central question is how recently introduced management and organizational practices gain acceptance among commoners amidst changing demands, both external and internal. The study explores the practical aspects of daily operations within these institutions, uncovering the complexities of managing commoning practices while adjusting to new demands. It also delves into the conflicts, debates, and agreements that arise as commoners, CEOs, and volunteers negotiate the core principles and values of these cultural commons.

Methodologically, the research employs narrative and grounded theory approaches to decipher how commoners perceive the governance of GLAM commons in response to unexpected external shocks. It analyses multiple perspectives and positions on organizational and management practices within growing institutions, contributing to the ongoing discussion on GLAMs’ adaptation to increasing demands, professionalization, and the role of volunteers in maintaining participatory principles and shared values.

Through a case study of the “Schwules Museum” in Berlin, the research provides insights into the historical, organizational, and procedural challenges faced by these institutions. It underscores the analytical power of a “practical turn” in social and cultural sciences, illustrating the intricacies of managing commons from a transnational perspective.

The study suggests viewing organizational and managerial practices within GLAMs as trans-local phenomena, emphasizing the importance of distributed power regulations and participatory decision-making mechanisms in commonly run institutions. It recognizes the evolving landscape of cultural goods and the necessity of understanding social conflicts and legitimacy formation within these changing structures.

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Presentation at KEAE, Athens – 29/02/2024

Our partners from Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Dimitris Pettas and Martha Michailidou, and MAZOMOS, Stelios Lekakis, were invited to present Glammons and discuss cultural heritage as a common good during a conference at the Research Centre for the Humanities / Κέντρο Έρευνας για τις Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες – ΚΕΑΕ, on February 29, 2024.


Watch the Glammons/ReCharge/ LibrarIN webinar – 05/03/2024

Three EU-funded research and innovation projects, invited professionals from GLAMs to take part in the webinar “Sustainable Models for GLAMs-New ways of participatory management and sustainable financing of cultural institutions” on February 20, 2024.

During the online event, GLAMMONS together with ReCharge and LibrarIN presented the core vision of their approach to participation in the cultural sector, the value of this approach, the needs assessments, and capacity building before an open discussion with the audience.

Watch the webinar HERE.


-Welcome and introduction by Hinano Spreafico, European Commission, and the moderator, Ares Kalandides, GLAMMONS
-GLAMMONS: Resilient, sustainable, and participatory practices: Towards the GLAMs of the commons by Vasilis Avdikos, GLAMMONS
-RECHARGE: Resilient European Cultural Heritage as Resource for Growth and Engagement by Trilce Navarrete, RECHARGE
-LibrarIN. Value co-creation and social innovation for a new generation of European libraries by Luis Rubalcaba  and Andrej Vrčon, LibrarIN

Open discussion

-The multiple financial channels of GLAMs, chaired by Janet Merkel (Technische Universität Berlin)
-Understanding and Fostering Participation in Cultural Heritage, chaired by Maja Drabczyk (Fundacja Centrum Cyfrowe) with Una Hussey (The Hunt Museum), RECHARGE Living Labs and Kelly Hazejager (Sound & Vision, Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid), RECHARGE Playbook
-Libraries as living labs, chaired by Lars Fuglsang and Luis Rubalcaba, LibrarIN
-Wrap-up and closing of the event by Ares Kalandides


Webinar : “Sustainable Models for GLAMs” – 05/03/2024

Three EU-funded research and innovation projects, invited professionals from GLAMs to take part in the webinar “Sustainable Models for GLAMs-New ways of participatory management and sustainable financing of cultural institutions” on February 20, 2024.

During the online event, GLAMMONS together with ReCharge and LibrarIN presented the core vision of their approach to participation in the cultural sector, the value of this approach, the needs assessments, and capacity building before an open discussion with the audience.

Watch the webinar HERE.


-Welcome and introduction by Hinano Spreafico, European Commission, and the moderator, Ares Kalandides, GLAMMONS
-GLAMMONS: Resilient, sustainable, and participatory practices: Towards the GLAMs of the commons by Vasilis Avdikos, GLAMMONS
-RECHARGE: Resilient European Cultural Heritage as Resource for Growth and Engagement by Trilce Navarrete, RECHARGE
-LibrarIN. Value co-creation and social innovation for a new generation of European libraries by Luis Rubalcaba  and Andrej Vrčon, LibrarIN

Open discussion

-The multiple financial channels of GLAMs, chaired by Janet Merkel (Technische Universität Berlin)
-Understanding and Fostering Participation in Cultural Heritage, chaired by Maja Drabczyk (Fundacja Centrum Cyfrowe) with Una Hussey (The Hunt Museum), RECHARGE Living Labs and Kelly Hazejager (Sound & Vision, Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid), RECHARGE Playbook
-Libraries as living labs, chaired by Lars Fuglsang and Luis Rubalcaba, LibrarIN
-Wrap-up and closing of the event by Ares Kalandides

news Ressources

Financial channels of GLAMs – 01/03/2022

a working paper by Janet Merkel:

The financial survival of many cultural organisations has been shaken, and for some shattered, during the COVID pandemic—at a time when organisations were just coming back from the shock of the global financial crisis and the austerity that ensued in many EU member states. To date, the funding situation, and financial channels of GLAMs remain underexplored in cultural policy and cultural economics literature, especially in a European context as most studies on public funding, earned income, and fundraising are limited to the US and UK. Based on a literature review, a policy mapping across the EU-27 member states, and the result of the GLAMMONS survey that contained several items on the financial situation of GLAMs, this working paper discusses cultural policy changes after the pandemic and the specific changes with the funding of GLAMs and shifts in their financial structure. This working paper aims to gain a broader understanding of the field and get deeper insights into the challenges that GLAMs faced before the COVID-19 pandemic and after it.

The main findings can be summarized as:

  • Since the financial crisis there have been massive shifts in the funding situation of GLAMs. The decline of public funds was mainly replaced with private grants and earned income.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic created again massive decline in income, contributions, and public funding yet most organisations could be stabilized through governmental rescue packages.
  • Alternative fundings are still used not much. When new funding instruments are discussed then usually market-based solutions are discussed, community-based financing is not an issue yet in cultural policy debates.
  • Massive data gaps about:
    • GLAMs in general. While museums and libraries are fairly well-researched, galleries and archives are not. Most research covers big organisations; less is known about the situation of small and mid-sized organisations.
    • Funding situation of GLAMS within and across different GLAM sectors. For example, on archives, there is hardly any available data.
    • Spatial differences and inequalities between core and non-core regions and the support of GLAM with capital regions most often getting the most private contributions.
    • There is little knowledge of donations and civil society support of culture through voluntary work or donations on the local level.

While the findings of the Survey are not representative and only preliminary with a partial exploration of the research topics, they give indications for our shared research on GLAMMONS and can be considered a good starting point for future investigations.

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Launching of the interactive platform/Blog – 21/02/2024

A new interactive platform has been launched on our website. 

The blog was created to communicate information and establish a two-way communication channel. This dedicated section is employed for pursuing continuous engagement with updated materials and research. We invite interested parties (managers, practitioners, team leaders, etc.) to contribute content regarding their experiences of current challenges that GLAMs and CCIs face (due to the pandemic or more generally) and successful ways to tackle them and adjust. In GLAMMONS, the Members of the Consortium will commit resources to ensure active maintenance of the platform (also beyond the end of the project), and that it will continue to serve as a valuable source for related research. To start, we propose an article entitled “Transforming Insights: Adapting GLAMs to a Commons Framework” introducing a fresh perspective on Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAMs), framing them as potential commons, shared spaces produced and managed by their communities.

Be the first to comment and open the discussion!  


Transforming insights: Adapting GLAMs to a Commons Framework


In the ever-evolving cultural landscape, the way we perceive and engage with memory institutions is undergoing a profound transformation. Our recently published scholarly work, titled “Rethinking GLAMs as commons: a conceptual framework”, introduces a fresh perceptive on Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAMs), framing them as potential commons – shared spaces produced and managed by their communities[1].

GLAMs and their professionals have traditionally been viewed as the main custodians of knowledge and our common heritage. However, demands for greater democratization and participation in the sector today challenge this conventional understanding. Professionals need to examine further their roles as facilitators of community-driven narratives, encouraging inclusivity, and fostering a sense of shared ownership among the public. At the same time, more and more local commons-oriented initiatives are popping up in urban as well as in rural and peripheral areas in the EU, like neighbourhood libraries, oral history groups and archives, local community museums, etc. 

Drawing inspiration from the “new commons”, we argue that GLAMs can be reconceptualized as commons-like institutions; spaces that can be collectively owned, managed, and sustained by their communities. This shift in perspective emphasises the participatory role of the public and its importance in shaping the purpose of memory institutions and safeguarding their sustainability in the current socio-economic landscape.

Figure 1: The different layers of GLAMs as commons, as conceptualised in Avdikos et al.

How do we conceptualise GLAMs as commons? Or where do we find commoning practices in GLAMs?

Figure 1 outlines three levels where commoning practices are performed. Commons-oriented GLAMs usually have a horizontal decision-making process that entails assemblies of the community, while the community owns the archive, library or the museum. The legal forms usually implemented in such organisations are associations, cooperatives, charities, etc. The next level is the one where most of the challenges in GLAMs’ operations are found. And this is the level of securing the autonomy of the organisation against dependencies from market forces (private donors/patrons) or the state. Commons-oriented GLAMs need to find the right balance to secure the resources that are needed for the organisation to keep performing, while maintaining relations with the market and the state. Many commons-oriented GLAMs attempt to secure their autonomy by relying on volunteering labour from their community, while others attempt to secure resources also through networks with other commons initiatives (e.g. urban commons, digital commons). The third level is the level of openness and accessibility of the organisation, where we find co-creation processes and an augmented possibility for the audiences to actively participate in shaping the outputs, through co-exhibitions, etc., that is, for the audiences to transform from audiences to participants.  

Are all the above levels to be found in most of GLAMs? Probably not; there are not that many organisations that operate as commons-GLAMs per se, but there are a lot of GLAMs which have internalized and currently use commoning practices from all these three levels. A key difference is the ‘location’ of these commoning practices and whether these give an advanced role to the community to decide upon the matters that are most crucial for the organisation. Usually, smaller and community-oriented GLAMs may have greater flexibility in adopting commons-like governance, whereas bigger organisations (e.g. public sector institutions, or private entities) usually engage with co-creation commoning practices through digitalisation processes and citizen/community participation. One implication of mapping commons practices and their ‘entry points’ is providing GLAMs’ professionals with resources which could aid in promoting the proliferation and expansion of commoning practices within cultural organisations.

Overall, our conceptual framework challenges us to reimagine GLAMs as dynamic, participatory commons which thrive on community engagement and enable this engagement to become more meaningful participation. This fresh perspective invites heritage and culture professionals to further help unlocking the past in a way that truly belongs to the present and its people.

At the same time, the application of such practices shows us that we need to rethink the ways in which the state and public sector can assist such commons arrangements. The public sector should assist such initiatives through the provision of a supportive institutional and legal framework, which could further enable commoning practices (for instance, through social and solidarity economy legal forms), and funding schemes (or the provision of some basic infrastructure, like cloud storage) that can be effectively used in commons arrangements and can assist these organisations in responding to their main challenges. 

[1] Avdikos, Vasilis, Mina Dragouni, Martha Michailidou, and Dimitris Pettas. “Rethinking GLAMs as commons: a conceptual framework.” Open Research Europe 3, no. 157 (2023): 157,


Newsletter #2 – Subscribe to our online event – 08/02/2024

Save the date! 

Join us for a first online meeting on February 20, 2024, and engage in this game-changer network.

Click HERE to subscribe to the webinar: “Sustainable Models for GLAMs – New Ways of participatory management and sustainable financing of cultural institutions”.

Three EU-funded research and innovation projects, GLAMMONS, RECHARGE and LibrarIN, invite practitioners from Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums to exchange views on various challenges facing GLAMs such as augmenting participation, finding new and alternative ways of financing, and accelerating social impact.


During the online event, each project will present the core vision of their approach to participation in the cultural sector, the value of this approach, the needs assessments, and capacity building before an open discussion with the audience.

Tuesday 20 February

13.00-13.05: Welcome and introduction by Hinano Spreafico, European Commission, and the moderator, Ares Kalandides, GLAMMONS
13.05-13.15: GLAMMONS: Resilient, sustainable, and participatory practices: Towards the GLAMs of the commons by Vasilis Avdikos, GLAMMONS
13.15-13.25: RECHARGE: Resilient European Cultural Heritage as Resource for Growth and Engagement by Trilce Navarrete, RECHARGE
13.25-13.35: LibrarIN. Value co-creation and social innovation for a new generation of European libraries by Luis Rubalcaba Bermejo and Andrej Vrčon, LibrarIN

Open discussion

13.35-14.00: The multiple financial channels of GLAMs, chaired by Janet Merkel (Technische Universität Berlin)
14.00-14.25: Understanding and Fostering Participation in Cultural Heritage, chaired by Maja Drabczyk (Fundacja Centrum Cyfrowe) with Una Hussey (The Hunt Museum), RECHARGE Living Labs and Kelly Hazejager (Sound & Vision, Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid), RECHARGE Playbook
14.25-14.50: Libraries as living labs, chaired by Lars Fuglsang, LibrarIN
14.50-15.00: Wrap-up and closing of the event by Ares Kalandides


COVID-19 forced the world to act quickly to face the extraordinary challenges brought on by the pandemic. Cultural institutions — galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs) — were not unscathed. GLAMs had already been struggling due to a lack of funding, higher operational and maintenance costs, and tourism-laden problems. The question has emerged: How can GLAMs organise and articulate cultural production and consumption? GLAMMONS will address these challenges and will focus on how to organize and articulate cultural production and consumption. The project’s objective is to provide answers to the above challenges, fill gaps, and advance research and policy by employing the theory of the commons to provide solutions that safeguard the sustainability, access, and well-being of the sector, its workforce, and surrounding communities.

Public libraries remain major cultural institutions. However, they need to develop new functions and services and find better ways to engage with individuals, organisations, and communities. The project LibrarIN explores value co-creation – a process through which libraries and the public become equal and active partners in creating value. It focuses on three co-creation areas, namely digital transformation, living labs, and social entrepreneurship, as well as public-private third-sector innovation networks.

Emerging from the pandemic, the role played by many Cultural Heritage Institutions (CHIs) in keeping citizens engaged and mentally healthy through a variety of creative initiatives is widely acknowledged; however, this was also a time of financial loss. Turning that creativity into money that keeps the institution afloat is the challenge RECHARGE is set to answer. The project will show how creativity can be monetized to keep the institution afloat.


Participation in an online conference – 16/12/2023

Our partner Mazomos was invited to participate in the online conference entitled “Heritage and Reuse”, on December 16, 2023. This event was organised by the University of Thessaly in the framework of the course “Contemporary Architecture in Old Buildings and Historic Complexes”, part of the Post-graduate Master of Reuse of Building and Complexes.

In Session 3: “Accessibility to Heritage”, Stelios Lekakis presented “Commons and the Prospect of Accessibility in Cultural Heritage Resources. The Case of Island Greece”.