
Participation / European Group on Museum Statistics – 20/04/2023

On the 20th of April, Vasilis Avdikos (Panteion University) presented GLAMMONS at the European Group on Museum Statistics (EGMUS).

The Plenary Meeting of the European Group on Museum Statistics (EGMUS) was held in Belgrade, and organised by the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development. The focus of the international meeting was the contribution of museum statistics to the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are part of the UN’s Agenda 2030.

Other topics important for quality statistics and efficient methodological approaches were also discussed, including the new electronic template for national reports, ISO standards for museums, European projects (EIT Culture & Creativity), and the application in statistics of the new museum definition (ICOM).

Some thirty experts from 12 countries (Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Serbia, Spain – online, Switzerland), and representatives of EurostatGLAMMONS, and Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends attended the two-day meeting.


Participate now to our online survey – 11/04/2023

We have designed an online survey to collect anonymous data from directors, managers, and professionals in related institutions, regarding their organisations’ management, day-to-day practices, and community participation. 

Please help our research by responding to our survey (link) – it will only take a few minutes! The survey is translated into 9 European languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Bulgarian and Serbian). Your thoughts are really important to us!

Should you need more information about our project, please contact us at

Towards the GLAMs of the commons!


2nd Consortium Meeting in Belgrade- 3-4/04/2023

On the 3rd and 4th of April 2023, the Consortium met in Belgrade at one of our partner’s workspaces, Nova Iskra, to exchange about the project and talk about participatory and commoning processes.
To continue and feed our discussions about commons-oriented methods and models, we were invited to visit some engaging cultural spaces:
-The Magacin Cultural Centre, is a cultural and social centre, managed by the community of users according to the commonly established rules
-The Association of Fine Artists in Serbia, ULUS, founded in 1919, is one of the oldest associations of citizens in the region.

Nova Iskra is at MADE IN – 31/03/2023

On the 31st of March, our project partner Ivan Manojlović (Nova Iskra) participated in the second edition of  MADE IN Platform for Contemporary Crafts & Design and presented the GLAMMONS project to professionals in wider CCS.

MADE IN is a research, design, and heritage platform that proposes new collaborative practices and knowledge exchange between traditional craftspeople and contemporary designers. It engages craftspeople, designers, researchers, curators, and theoreticians on a quest to pose relevant questions about the topics of heritage and production in today’s society through research and archiving of local crafts, conducting workshops and residencies, and promoting ideas through a traveling exhibition.

The conference organised by State Art Collections Dresden, Museum of Decorative Arts (SKD) is the official kick-off event of the Europe-wide MADE IN Platform for Contemporary Crafts & Design. The participating partners will along with international experts from the fields of crafts, design, and research discuss the future of crafts as an instrument for social and ecological change as well as manners of passing the knowledge of craftsmanship and heritage to future generations. How do we want to live in the future? How can a social community be shaped with the help of craftsmanship? How can craftsmanship, design, technology, and research work together constructively to achieve this? Project pitches, a panel discussion, and round tables will offer the opportunity to find out about the current situation and explore more with the experts present.

Venue: Japanisches Palais (Japanese Palace), Palaisplatz 11, Dresden  


Nova Iskra is at CREATECH – 01/03/2023

Our project partner Ivan Manojlović, Nova Iskra, presented the GLAMMONS project to professionals in wider CCS during the CREATECH Summit South-East Europe in Sofia, Bulgaria.

He took part in the panel entitled “Regional Policy in Creative Industries” alongside Genoveva Christova (Createch Bulgaria Cluster, Bulgaria), Ciprian Morcan (Cluj Innovation Park, Romania), Elena Bojadjieva (Union of Macedonian Professional Associations in the Creative Industries, North Macedonia), Alejandro Papadopoulos (Board of Directors ECHN, Founder & CEO We are PAU), moderated by the Createch Director, Sophia Shtereva.

CreaTech Summit SEE 2023 took place on the 1st of March at Toplocentrala and was organized by The Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA) and the CreaTech Bulgaria Cluster.

The event aims to:

  • facilitate the global proposition of the CreaTech enterprises in the South-East European region.
  • accelerate CreaTech business models and uptake of innovations in different industries.
  • allow all participants to share knowledge and experience with experts and professionals from different fields of the creative industries, including Film and TV, Game Development, Photography, Design, and Architecture.
  • catalyze new potential business and institutional partnerships from the country and abroad.

Venue: Toplocentrala, Center for Contemporary Art, Sofia


First Newsletter: website and social media pages – 17/02/2023

“Resilient, sustainable and participatory practices: Towards the GLAMs of the commons – GLAMMONS” is a three-year project, 2022-2025, funded by the European Commission (Horizon Europe Research and Innovation on Cultural Heritage and CCIs programme). 

GLAMMONS aims to map pre-pandemic practices across the sector, to fully account for the pandemic effects on the sector, and to explore novel solutions that will inform GLAMs (Gallery-Library-Archive-Museum) response and adaptation to the post-pandemic era, under a new conceptual paradigm that will advance GLAMs as the agents of change.

The GLAMMONS website and its social media platforms were launched this week.

Get connected and follow the project deployed by eight European partners: Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Greece), leader of the project, Stichting CREARE Social (The Netherlands), Inpolis Urbanism GmbH (Germany), Technische Universität Berlin (Germany), ESC Dijon Bourgogne – Burgundy School of Business (France), European Creative Hubs Network-ECHN (Greece), Mazomos Landscape and Heritage Consultants BVBA (Belgium), and NOVA ISKRA Creative Hub (Serbia).

Website  Facebook  Twitter  LinkedIn


Launching of the Press Release – November 2022

Launching of a new Horizon Europe project: GLAMMONS (2022-2025).


On the 17th and the 18th of October 2022, “Resilient, sustainable and participatory practices: Towards the GLAMs of the commons – GLAMMONS”, a three-year project funded by the European Commission (Horizon Europe Research and Innovation on Cultural Heritage and CCIs) was launched in Berlin, hosted by the partner Technische Universität Berlin.

The outbreak of the pandemic created unprecedented challenges for galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs), which were already struggling during the last years with issues of underfunding, increased maintenance and operational costs, and challenges imposed by over-tourism.

The COVID-19 pandemic served as a wake-up call to rethink how cultural production and consumption are organized and articulated with different sets of actors and local contexts, towards safeguarding sustainability, access, and the well-being of the sector, its workforce, and surrounding communities. Long before the pandemic crisis, European cultural policy already encouraged museums to embrace participatory governance and digitisation, to become more financially self-reliant, and to diversify their income-generating activities.

GLAMMONS involves 8 European partners: Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Greece), leader of the project, Stichting CREARE Social (The Netherlands), Inpolis Urbanism GmbH (Germany), Technische Universität Berlin (Germany), ESC Dijon Bourgogne – Burgundy School of Business (France), European Creative Hubs Network-ECHN (Greece), Mazomos Landscape and Heritage Consultants BVBA (Belgium), and NOVA ISKRA Creative Hub (Serbia). They propose to map pre-pandemic practices across the sector, to fully account for the pandemic effects on the sector and to explore novel solutions that will inform GLAMs’ response and adaptation to the post-pandemic era, under a new conceptual paradigm that will advance GLAMs as the agents of change.

Conceptually developed around the theories of the commons, the GLAMMONS project aims to provide answers to the above challenges, advance research, and inform related policy. The project will provide in-depth analysis and evaluation of ongoing shifts (with a specific focus on both pandemic-driven transformations and digitalisation) in the field of GLAMs. It will also explore and assess practices (concerning management, finance, and participation) that emerge around small-scale, community-led GLAMs and the possibility of transferring relevant knowledge to other cultural institutions to secure the sustainability of the sector.


The following three years will see the delivery of GLAMMONS; an ambitious work programme, rooted in a track record of internationally recognized research excellence and world-leading practice, allowing the development of a novel conceptual approach: the GLAMs of the commons.




Kickoff Meeting, Technische Universität Berlin – 17-18/10/2022

On the 17th and 18th of October 2022, the partners gathered in Berlin at the Technische Universität Berlin-TUB for the Kickoff of the GLAMMONS project.

After an introduction on Horizon Europe expectations by Mrs. Hinano Spreafico (EC Project Officer), the partners presented the general project overview, the timeline, and the Scientific contribution of the GLAMMONS project as well as the Challenges for the GLAMs: mapping the field across Europe before and after the pandemic.

Each partner gave a presentation of its work package and discussed the collective research and the different topics that will be developed through the three years of the project:

-The content and resources for GLAMs under commons,

-Communities, commoners and trauma,

-Exploring resilient financial and sustainable management processes and their impacts under commons,

-Informing policy towards the GLAMs of the commons,

-Management, data management, and ethics,

-Dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities.

Finally, the partners visited the Schwules Museum. Coming from a grassroots movement, the Museum remains a civil society project upheld by the voluntary commitment of many contributors that holds a special connection to the queer communities. 

The story of the Schwules Museum begins in the year 1984, at the former Berlin Museum. At the initiative of three museum guards, the museum’s director allowed himself to be persuaded to take an innovative step. The three students and their activist ally Manfred Herzer had proposed to develop an exhibition on homosexual men and women in Berlin. In the summer of 1984, the legendary exhibition “Eldorado – the History, Everyday Life and Culture of Homosexual Women and Men 1850-1950” took place in the Berlin Museum, curated by the three initiators in collaboration with a group of lesbian activists. With over 40,000 visitors, the exhibition was just as successful as it was controversial. The resolution to fund the Schwules Museum crystallized out of this success. 

In the offices of the “Allgemeine Homosexuelle Arbeitsgemeinschaft AHA” (General Homosexual Working Group) in Friedrichstraße, the foundation was laid for a museum, a library, and an archive. Today, the SMU stands as the most important international center for researching, preserving, and presenting the culture and history of queer individuals, sexual and gender diversity, and is a sought-after collaborative partner for museums, universities, cultural support institutions, artists, and activists from around the world.

The Schwules Museum is a perfect example of a collective space to engage with history and envision a future.